Return of the Blogger

I can’t help noticing that things have been a little quiet around here lately. Followers are pretty thin on the ground, and I can’t say this comes as a surprise since it’s been a number of months since I last posted anything on here. Oops!

No matter, because here I plan to turn over a new literary leaf. My Open University modules are over and my days are currently stuffed to the gills with things I could be writing about, which begs the question: ‘So why the hell aren’t you?’. EXCELLENT question!

So here is where it will begin. I can’t promise I’ll be anything worth reading but I CAN promise to try. I’ve got a gleaming new mobile phone, onto which I have placed a number of apps that can help me make more effort with my blogging. In other words, I’ve removed the excuses. Because, being truthful here, if I intend to make a career out of writing, I’d better bloody start writing more often, and it doesn’t take a MENSA candidate to suss that one out.

From everything I’ve read, it’s recommended that you choose a regular day of the week on which to upload your thoughts into the ether (not that you’re supposed to openly reveal such things, but tough), so I’m toying between Monday and Friday. I’m going to start with Monday (because it’s so close) and if that doesn’t work well then I’ll switch to Friday. Basically, I’m going to play it by ear and see what happens.

SO! If you’re in the least bit interested in reading the half-formed meanderings of a self-obsessed, occasionally funny, self-conscious writer who’s just starting to get started, stick around and keep me company, won’t you? And PLEASE, give me feedback!

Thanks y’all!


Return of the Blogger

4 thoughts on “Return of the Blogger

  1. Hi Vikki-Great to read your blog. I totally identify with what you have said about writing and getting on with it. I have however just read a post by an American writer called Jeff Goins who says that there is much more to writing than actually getting the words down on paper eg research, editing, planning, thinking etc etc so that’s my excuse and I am sticking to it haha. Anyway, look forward to reading more 🙂


    1. Haha! I absolutely agree with the editing, planning, etc. I don’t know about you but I find a big difference between first and final drafts of my writing. In an ideal world, I’d like to produce carefully planned posts with that ‘here’s something I just scribbled down’ feeling.


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